Tuesday, June 23, 2009

CSI Senior Project - June 16, 2009

Today we met with our clients in a pseudo-"focus group", with four people they invited and one we invited. Personally, I felt we should have stayed closer to focus group format, as the overall meeting came across as very rude to our guests (the non-client attendees). However, I was not in control of that final decision.

Otherwise, the meeting went very well. We were able to show off the prototype we developed over the past few days, showing our clients that the functionality they were pressing hard on was majorly just basic website structure and code. Hence, we were able to gain allot of confidence from our clients, which should allow us to regulate features and design much more now. We have since planned to have a proposal for our next meeting describing the People and Project finder for the project, which will be a key aspect of the functionality for end users.

Aside, we divided tasks for the setup of the team server, accounts, version control, and the like. I have set up the Trac server with Agilo for SCRUM, and Matthew has setup version control. I will be working on getting our previous "mini-sprint" into the system and starting to record milestones we need / have available.

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About Me

Software engineer, game developer, writer, and student. My work revolves around games, algorithms, real-time development, and creative works.