Today I worked on doing formalized write-ups for the sensors, with my focus on doing the Light Sensor.
To do this task, I first devised a document template for Sensor write-ups, which took around .75 hours to complete based on the different data required. I found this necessary and useful, as it would help to formalize the structure of such write-ups for the future. It can be updated as necessary to fit with the requirements of writing up about the caveats, qualitative and quantitative data acquired during tests, and other nuances including best practices and ideas for using the sensor. Aside, I also created the basic directory structure for the sensor write-ups, committing these and the current versions of documents to the repository.
Afterward, I began working on the Light Sensor write-up document. I worked on this for the remainder of the day (not counting the morning meeting, the other 4.25 hours of my work day). I worked specifically on writing up the testing results and placing the data, exported from a Google doc, into an Excel spreadsheet. I also worked on finding and referencing the resources we used for determining support for the sensor and finding the different expected ranges and values available.
Lastly, during my period of working on the document, I worked with Faradjine on the model for the testing harness we used for testing the sensors using LEGO Digital Designer.
We will probably follow a similar process for the rest of the sensor information.
As for my plans tomorrow, I plan on finishing the Light Sensor write-up and working with Faradjine to look over and proofread it before submitting it for review. Providing I finish this before the end of work (more than likely), we will split up who will work on the next document, while the other will more than likely work on inventory and tracking the defected vs. correctly working sensors, placing these into a separate inventory spreadsheet.
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