Friday, June 12, 2009

Project ACE Work Log - June 10, 2009

Today I worked on inventorying sensors, proofreading the Light Sensor and Color Sensor writeups, and working on the IR Sensor Writeup.

For approximately 0.5 hours, I worked on taking inventory of the sensors, counting the sensors and noting which ones had defects, which ones had not been tested yet, and inventorying the materials used with the sensors specifically or similar devices (the PS2 controllers, the IR Balls, etc).

For around 0.5 to 1.0 hours, I worked on proofreading the Light Sensor and Color Sensor writeups, expanding them with some ideas, and making any changes necessary in the measurements spreadsheets, such as any charts or other required tables or images that were needed.

For approximately 2.5 hours, I worked on the IR Sensor writeup. This included bouncing ideas around with Faradjine and creating tables and images for the qualitative and quantitative values to be displayed in the report. The writeup needs to be extended with some ideas for sensor use and Faradjine plans on proofreading it, making it almost ready for further review.

For around 1.0 hours otherwise, I talked and collaborated with Faradjine on the other writeups, the model for the other test harness we used for the sensors, and we talked a little on the splitting up of the work. We agreed on the next steps for the ultrasonic sensor and planned on testing at least two to three more of the ultrasonic sensors to verify the results we received with the first, followed by doing an inventory sweep to make sure they were all functioning.

As such, tomorrow I plan to work with Faradjine on gathering the required test data needed for flushing out the information we have on the ultrasonic sensor. We will then start working on the test cases for the compass sensor, while working aside to clarify issues found with some of the code examples and functions found for working with some of the previous sensors. Following, we will probably divide up the work between the ultrasonic sensor writeup, the defect testing for the ultrasonic and infrared sensors that have not been tested, and the clarifying and correcting of code examples in the previous writeups.

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About Me

Software engineer, game developer, writer, and student. My work revolves around games, algorithms, real-time development, and creative works.